
Classical Homeopathy can be beneficial to anyone who feels their health or quality of life is compromised in any way. Homeopathy can treat everything from sports injury to childhood and pregnancy problems to chronic illness like asthma or allergies. Emotional imbalance such as depression, panic attacks, phobias and children’s behaviour problems can also be effectively treated.
Homeopathy was developed by the German Medical Doctor Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It has been successfully used worldwide for more than 200 years. Homeopathy is effective because it stimulates the body’s own powers of healing and regeneration in a safe and natural way. Homeopathy aims to re-establish physical, emotional and mental balance in a person. The person is treated … not the disease label.
In the clinic the Homeopath will endeavour to get an in-depth profile of the client. This will include family medical history, habits, likes and dislikes etc. as well as the main complaint. Seemingly irrelevant information often helps the practitioner to find the right Homeopathic remedy. The information given will remain confidential and be regarded in a professional manner.